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Last updated on 18/06/2004


SmartSign downloads information

Downloadables from the SmartSign project are organized in subprojects:

smartsign-x.y.z [tgz]
This is the original Smart Sign for Cyberflexes only and includes a PKCS#11 module, a PAM module, a command line shell (Smart Shell) and generic utilities for signing and verifying RSA digital signatures using Schlumberger Cyberflex Access 16K cards.
Smart Shell [tgz]
This is a newer release of Smart Shell, the Cyberflex Acces 16K command line manager. It is stand-alone and doesn't require anything special to work.
Smart PKCS#11
This is the PKCS#11 module stand-alone, suitable for installation on Netscape Communicator (4.7x and 6.x), that enhances OpenCA certificate release procedure for storing user's certificate and key on the card. The card can thus be used for signing e-mail and authenticating to HTTPS remote servers (i.e. apache + mod_ssl). Different packages are available here:
sc-token [tgz]
This is a PKCS#11 module for Cyberflex Access 16K. It requires the original gpkcs11 (>= 0.6.x) and ceay-openssl-0.9.6.
MUSCLE Card Edge Token [tgz]
This is a PKCS#11 module for MUSCLE Card Edge enabled cards (JavaCard 2.1.1 cards with CardEdge Applet already loaded and installed). It requires the modified gpkcs11 (0.7.2-modified) and ceay-openssl-0.9.6.
Ceay Openssl v0.9.6 [tgz]
This is a modified OpenSSL-0.9.6 source tree, where each function name has been prefixed with a 'CI_Ceay_' string in order to allow PKCS#11 modules to properly use OpenSSL functions instead of internal Netscape libraries. This is required by all of the PKCS#11 modules.
gpkcs11-modified [tgz]
This is a modified GPKCS#11 module that is required by the Card Edge PKCS#11 module only.
Smart PAM
This is the PAM module stand-alone. Check out this section, as we expect to release a MuscleCard PAM module as soon as possible.
Sign-CyberFlex [tgz]
This is a stand alone command line utility to sign a generic file using the private key and public key certificate from a Cyberflex Access 16K card. Signature is stored as a separate file in PKCS#7 format. This utility is compatible with SC-Token from the SmartSign package so that you can use a web interaction with a C.A. to format your card, then you need this utility if you want to sign generic files.
Sign-MuscleCard [tgz] [rpm]
This is a stand alone command line utility to sign a generic file using the private key and public key certificate from a card that is supported by the MUSCLE Card framework. Signature is stored as a separate file in PKCS#7 format. This utility is compatible with card_edge_token from the SmartPKCS11 package so that you can use a web interaction with a C.A. to format your card, then you need this utility if you want to sign generic files. This program requires the MUSCLE Card framework.
OpenSSH-MuscleCard [tgz]
This is a modified version of the OpenSSH-3.5p1 source tree for Linux. It contains an experimental version of a smartcard module for use with MuscleCard supported smart cards. By using a modified ssh-agent, now you can ssh/scp to remote sites by using the private key on your card, that never gets exposed. This program requires the MUSCLE Card framework (now integrated in PCSC-Lite-1.x).
JMuscleCard [tgz]
JMuscleCard is a JNI bridge allowing Java applications and Applets to use MuscleCard API. By using JMuscleCard it is possible to use, directly from the Java language, all the smart-card devices that are supported by the MuscleCard project (e.g. JavaCard compliant devices, Cyberflex, ...).

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